Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No.2 Jar

This is just an idea of a jar - not the exact one I am doing.
However if I will do it and I like the shape, I could print,
 cut it out and then trace the shape.
My second possibility for a clock design (my backup) would be a jar. I think this would be a fantastic idea as I could make little trinkets or objets out of other materials and then put them on top of the jar cut-out, making it seem as if I have things in the jar. This design would have a lot of room for colour; the different objects in the jar, a lot of room for texture; also the different objects in the jar but the lid of the jar and the string to tie around the lid. I would also be able to show many different skills by making the many different objects. If I felt it were necessary or I really wanted to, I could make different objects with the numbers 1-12 on them to symbolise the time. This would be a great idea as it would come across as more of a clock, rather than a jar with ticking hands on it. If space didn't allow or I felt it weren't necessary and didn't look good, I could always just make objects with only a few numbers on them e.g. 12, 3, 6, 9.

Overall I feel this would be a fantastic idea as I could incorporate many different skills, colours, textures  and ideas into this clock. I also think it is a really sweet idea and actually resembles a clock!

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