Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No.3 - Gingerbread Man or a Gingerbread House

A Gingerbread Man or Gingerbread House comes in as my third possibility as a clock design. The reason it is not first or second is because I think they are quite simple in shape e.g. a house or man. But with the different shapes and textures on these clock ideas I could make them extremely interesting. For example:

Gingerbread Man:

  • I could make it look as though I have piped the eyes, nose, mouth etc. onto it. This would add more textures and make it actually look like a Gingerbread Man.

Gingerbread House:
  • I could also use different materials to make the different lollies on the house.
  • I could make the house seem more like a house by making windows, letter-boxes, flower-boxes, a door etc.

My only problem with these designs would be that they could be too simple, I wouldn't really have a place to put the numbers onto (which isn't necessarily that bad!), I would also have trouble making the house actually look 3D e.g. the roof and all four walls, without drawing it on its side which may look quite weird. My other option would then be to just do the front of the house, but again that would be to simple and not that interesting to the eye.

If I did end up choosing to do these clock ideas, I am sure I could work cooperatively with Mr Andrews so he could help me come up with a solution to solving the aspects of these clock ideas I do not like!

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