Saturday, October 13, 2012

First Lesson of Term Four

On Wednesday the 10th of October, 7K had our first DF lesson of the Term. This lesson, was quite important for me and my design process as I planned when I would like to accomplish certain parts of my clock, and some of my design elements changed.

When we arrived, I set straight into work - finishing off my first layer. Last Term I thought I had already done this, however leaving it and then coming back to look at this first layer I wasn't quite happy. So I simply sharpened a few edges (the cutting was a little dodgy on some Ferris Wheel spokes) and made sure to emphasise the fact that some spokes were of different sizes to others depending on the angle my Ferris Wheel has been set at. I was a little disappointed in myself for not cutting it out properly to start with, but after about five minutes of trying to cut that (extremely thick and hard) cardboard, I realised my hands must have been getting sore and tired.

Nevertheless, I made sure not to waste any time on starting and completing my second layer. During this time, I was also helping others carve their original piece of wood to the correct size. I was also helping others with cutting, glueing, tracing and giving the right advice. On a side comment this is where I would like to mention what I really enjoy about DF, we have a strict plan to follow, but we are still free to use what ever resources we would like and are able to help others whenever we feel necessary whilst doing our own work. Anyway, back to my clock...

Whilst doing my second layer I realised that I had sanded my original piece of MDF wood bad too far so my other layers would not fit once I added on the ferris Wheel Layers. You see, I was meant to have gaps for the spokes, but Mr Andrews told me that would take too long for the allocated time space. So I then went onto the idea of having my carrousels still on the main piece of wood but connecting them to the very top of the spokes. This would have worked if I hadn't sanded my base shape off too far, so now my idea is to have the carrousels on the side of the spokes and to paint the remanding spaces blue for the sky, this will also give the impression of the spokes.

Although my clock hit a little 'design stumble', I am actually quite glad of it, as I now have a better design which I am still extremely happy with. The end of the lesson for me was the spent tracing and cutting out my second layer, along with helping others with their clocks, as some still hadn't started their first layer, or were a little behind.

Next week, I am planning on doing my next few layers (I should get more done as they are smaller) before the carrousels. My plan is to do the carrousels last or all in one lesson along with the numbers, as their are twelve carrousels which are quite small and will be time consuming.

At this point, I feel extremely happy with how my clock is coming along so far, and absolutely cannot wait until the final version is completed!

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