Saturday, October 20, 2012

Second Lesson - Term 4

Our second week back into the Term, and some people have already finished their clocks or are extremely close to that point. Initially this made me feel quite worried as I thought I was behind, but I realised many other people are at the same point as me or even behind - so I am thinking after I have completed my clock, I may be helping others. The lesson for me however was quite productive mentally and on my clock.

Last lesson I had managed to get through the first layer and made a plan to accomplish - well, plan ACCOMPLISHED! I was able to get my second and third layer completed this lesson and am now onto my fourth which is half-way off completion. I have also made sure to make all edges neat as I was cutting. My plan after the fourth is to go right through to the end with all layers then come back to the carrousel layer. I have two reasons for this:

1. So I can see how much room I have and how large or small they need to be, along with the 'pole' holding them onto the body of the Ferris Wheel.
2. They are the most time consuming and I would like to have everything else completed first - worst comes to worst (which I am 99.9% sure it won't) I will just have no carrousels which wont look as bad compared to not having as many layers on the body or no legs to 'hold the Ferris Wheel up off the ground'.

Half way through the lesson Mr Andrews showed us the process of Vacuum-Forming again as Lily had completed her clock. All was good until one of the middle pieces from her Frangipani became stuck into the plastic as she did not use the Hot Glue Gun - which is crucial. Lily then went away with her plastic ready to take home to paint, however she will have to come up with a way to make sure her mould or die doesn't break as that will not be complying against the criteria of DF for Grade 7's in 2012.

Afterwards, we went back to our bench and I just wanted to check up with Mr Andrews with my design. He thinks I am going pretty well however some of my layers drop down and are therefore not really creating a layer as there is a gap (this happens with the stilts or legs at the bottom of my Ferris Wheel). Mr Andrews said not to be too worried, but if I could fix it, I probably should. This would probably be my first major 'bump in the road', but a new task to do to improve my clock's look and overall grade.

Next lesson, my goal is to finish off all layers and then the following lesson go back to the 12 individual carrousels. This should therefore only take another two lessons or three maximum.

Thank you very much, and keep posted for next weeks blog!

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